Government in Plain Sight

City Studies

Government in Plain Sight

Your School, Your Choice!

Making Policy Public

Your School, Your Choice!

How Can I Improve My Park?

Making Policy Public

How Can I Improve My Park?

Sign Up!

Public Access Design

Sign Up!

Social Security Risk Machine

Making Policy Public

Social Security Risk Machine

The Deciders

City Studies

The Deciders

Urban Investigations

‘Who Is Shaping New York’s Subway Redevelopment?’


August, 15, 2011

The project juxtaposes the fact that such a construction project creates jobs but there is a suspicious absence of ‘the public’ in MTA’s decisions.


‘Fast-Tracked: Who Decides Where the Subway Goes?’

Urban Omnibus

August, 10, 2011

The group investigated how transportation planning works by talking to stakeholders, researching policy and financing, and pounding the pavement.


‘We Seriously Love The Internet is Serious Business’

Detroit Digital Justice Coalition zine #3

June, 30, 2011

The film is instrumental in engaging people in disenfranchised communities who have been previously intimidated by the Internet. It is understandable by ANYONE from age 8 to 80.


‘Adobe Creative Suite and One Nonprofit’s Winning Formula’


November, 22, 2010

CUP won first place in the Other Media category for their expertly crafted I Heart East New York multimedia storybook record.


‘The Omnibus Roundup’

Urban Omnibus

May, 21, 2010

How often do you see an educational video about water supply that cuts together interviews with representatives from the DEP, claymation cavemen and Chamillionaire’s “Ridin’ Dirty?”


‘The Water Underground’

Design Observer

May, 20, 2010

The CUP staff and student researchers and videographers criss-crossed the five boroughs and assembled a multi-vocal primer on some essential urban infrastructure.


‘2010 Winners – Show Your Impact Contest’

Show Your Impact Contest

January, 14, 2010

I Heart East New York is both a teaching tool and a teaching method.


‘Feeding the Bronx’

Edible Geography

January, 12, 2010

CUP has created an awesome video that explores some of the economic and consumer forces that create the South Bronx foodscape.


‘Bodega Down Bronx’

Design Observer

January, 7, 2010

Like all CUP projects Bodega Down Bronx is inspired by the conviction that cities and their complex systems and politics can be made legible and transparent.


‘Students Investigate Local Issues Through Service Learning’


August, 3, 2009

“That was one of the toughest interviews I’ve had in a long time,” the pastor tells the group after the hour-long interview.


‘Looking 21 Years Ahead’

Canarsie Courier

January, 7, 2009

Fillmore Real Estates’ Vice President told the students of his visions for the nearby Spring Creek Houses neighborhood.


‘The Internet is Serious Business’

Manhattan Neighborhood Network

September, 30, 2008

Takes what could easily be a snooze-fest – an examination of Internet access, the “digital divide” and technology governance issues – and whips them into an entertaining and informative mix that is truly all ages.


What the Cell?

Urban Investigations

What the Cell?

Block Party

City Studies

Block Party

Don't Bank On It

Making Policy Public

Don't Bank On It

Get It Back!

Public Access Design

Get It Back!

Test Ride

City Studies

Test Ride

Is Justice For All?

City Studies

Is Justice For All?

Predatory Equity

Making Policy Public

Predatory Equity


Urban Investigations
