Rumbo A Su Tarjeta Verde

Public Access Design

Rumbo A Su Tarjeta Verde

Prison Profits: Who Pays The Price

City Studies

Prison Profits: Who Pays The Price

The Fresh Producers

Urban Investigations

The Fresh Producers

What Is Zoning?

Envisioning Development

What Is Zoning?

Zoning It In...

Urban Investigations

Zoning It In...

Participatory Budgeting

Technical Assistance

Participatory Budgeting
    • Saturday, October  1, 2011, 11am
    • Freshkills Park
      Sneak Peak Parking Lot
      228 Wild Ave.
      Staten Island, NY

Sewer in a Suitcase Demos!

Sewer in a Suitcase Demos!

We demonstrated the Sewer in a Suitcase, CUP's working model of New York City's sewer system, at two events over the weekend of October 1. The Sewer in a Suitcase made its first stop on Saturday at the New York Green Block Party, an all-day street fair in Williamsburg. Then it moved on to Sneak Peak at Freshkills Park on Sunday, with demonstrations of the Sewer in a Suitcase every half hour.

The Newtown Creek BOA

Technical Assistance

The Newtown Creek BOA

Is Your Landlord Using Construction to Harass You?

Technical Assistance

Is Your Landlord Using Construction to Harass You?

Bail's Set... What's Next?

Public Access Design

Bail's Set... What's Next?

From Cellblock to Your Block

Urban Investigations

From Cellblock to Your Block

Education Rights for Families

Technical Assistance

Education Rights for Families

What's in the Water?

Making Policy Public

What's in the Water?

Shine a Light on Your Utility Rights

Making Policy Public

Shine a Light on Your Utility Rights

Participatory Budgeting

Technical Assistance

Participatory Budgeting